Photo of Alfonzo Endara Ecuador

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ENDARA ALFONSO was born the city of Quito - Ecuador on July 8, 1960, all academics studies are performed by the City of Quito, in the Christian Brothers School in Luis Gonzaga College and University Central del Ecuador. Art Perfeccionsu sharing with European masters. Thorough job in the paint is what has developed Alfonso Endara to travs of years of hard work. It was a very enriching experience to follow with keen interest...

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Photo of Alfonzo Endara Ecuador

ENDARA ALFONSO was born the city of Quito - Ecuador on July 8, 1960, all academics studies are performed by the City of Quito, in the Christian Brothers School in Luis Gonzaga College and University Central del Ecuador. Art Perfeccionsu sharing with European masters. Thorough job in the paint is what has developed Alfonso Endara to travs of years of hard work. It was a very enriching experience to follow with keen interest the path from the beginning, to develop a formidable teacher in the plastic that belong only dejhace while the Ecuadorians to expand their horizons become universal. Since the year 1983 when it was his first solo show realism and the figure accurately reflected on the canvas has been the epitome of Endara. Having to his credit over 40 exhibitions between individual and collective, in a refined technique, has enjoyed working in series (in 506 the latest special exhibitions) this is the case of arts, crafts and still lifes, any job worth dignifying evokes Renaissance master and perpetuates the daily work of those who for the common people nobody will notice. Then came the series mimes and clowns masquerades pain intimate glimpse into the conflicts of individuals, this constant struggle between joy and suffering, good and evil grimacing smiles, the "simulation of the struggle for life ", which illustrates characters with their faces painted half. We also recreated with MIGUEL ANGEL seduction, in which a woman wearing wedding begins to move and undress before the peaceful Adny the violent god of Miguel Angel, to enter the mural, transforming their soft and fine lines in the build anatomic typical "teacher of the Sistine, and then leave the wall fra entanglement of Adny amoromtico Eve series that not even the artist knew where it ended, if not that one day he himself said: "It cansde me this!" / and complete passionate kiss in full view of that god accomplices . One of the latest exhibition tells us about the handling of the society, the many and so many offers that are only venality, and the vindication of women, that delve more into the intimate spiritual language EL SECRET OF THE DECLINE, where the need to stop living values, which are devalued, and start living principles that are permanent and eternal, of the necessity of living truths and realities are not always changing (all this to say of the artist }. estempezando is to glimpse a new way to express the art to which he was never given much importance and is "titulacin" of the works being the way that we recognize this or that box of the great masters; and now highlights the need to put before. THE TRUTH AND REALITY Non rambling thoughts laden incorrect (hollow philosophies, that is to do in sun elucidatory. GOODNESS OF HEAVEN IN THE HANDS OF A MAN reveals refined pictorial quality and universal thoughts that confront our realities. It is necessary to emphasize the elogiosacritica you received outside the country, because their work has been exhibited and admired in different countries and are included in permanent displays and large collectors in America, Europe and the Caribbean . One can only wait with great anticipation the next series or work ahead of us in the form of sketches, on women in feathered masks that evoke man's need to hide behind a thousand and one tricks, in this case masks; these penalties, faithful companions in our lives. I do the best wishes of success to the most significant shows of recent years. Marco Antonio Rodrguez ARTISTIC RESUME 1981 House of Culture Ecuador Quito-Ecuador 1983 the National Union of Journalists Quito-Ecuador 1984 the National Union of Journalists Quito-Ecuador 1985 Quito Ecuador 1985 Espaol Center Municipal House Riobamba, Ecuador 1986 Museo de Arte Colonial Quito Quito Ecuador 1986 Espaol Center 1987 Ecuador Ecuador Quito Humboldt House Galera 1988 1988 Sosa Larrea Quito Ecuador Quito Ecuador Lions Club 1989 Lions Club of Carquez Baha-Ec 1993 Espaol Center Quito Ecuador Central University Group Exhibitions 1982 - Honor Mention Goribar Galera 1985 - Quito Ecuador Galera 1986 Green Apple - Guayaquil-Ecuador 1987 Humbolt House - Quito-Ecuador 1987 Institute of Modern Art - 1990-1992 Galera Metropolitan Touring Spain - Galera Quito-Ecuador 1992 Latin America - Quito, Ecuador 1992 Galera Green Apple - Guayaquil-Ecuador 1993 Galera Expressions - Guayaquil-Ecuador 1985 Main Halls Lus A. Martinez, Ambato, Ecuador 1986 Mariano Aguilera, Quito Ecuador Hall of October 1987, Guayaquil-Ecuador 1987 Mariano Aguilera, Quito Ecuador 1988 Bienal de Cuenca, Cuenca-Ecuador 1988 Auction Academy, Cotopaxi Ecuador 1994 Mariano Aguilera. Quito Ecuador 1994 Foundation Auction Albizu, Ecuador Special Collections Saudi Arabia, Spain, Chile, Argentina, USA, Mexico, Panama, Colombia, Germany, France, Cuba, etc. Presidents and Ambassadors of different countries Important restoration works of the Master Alvaro Prairie Mural (+) Casa of Spain 1987-1988 Taught painting classes Ecuadorian House of Culture 1990 Mural on their poverty PASY 1992 Executed projects allegory the police Mural 1993 National Class Taught painting and human anatomy. 1994 illustration of books and magazines of different writers and poets in different churches Retablos 1994 1998 Taught anatomy class artistic Sketch Artist Foundation of the presidency of the Republic of Ecuador Pictures of Queen Sofay King Juan Carlos of Spain. Exhibitions from 1994 Galeras Museum Iriarte-Bogota Colombia-Bogota Colombia Cali Colombia Galeras Chuquiragua Museum, Quito Ecuador Ecuador Galera Museum Development Foundation Bogota Colombia The Alley special guest to participate in realization of portraits of famous men. Mexican Cultural Center 2001 Galeravrtice Guadalajara, Mexico Galera Puerto Vallarta - Puerto Vallarta PAINTER PRESIDENTS.

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